1 My street to bull marketplace trials Before this article officially starts, let's share the pain of the initial 100x return project I missed: Chainlink. Whatever the market or market value, several people expected Chainlink's success today. Looking back, despite the fact that I experienced the insane September 2017-May 2018, I did not expect it. In the large bear marketplace of 2019, it is even harder to imagine its future. I recall that it was June 2017. I got Chainlink's private collateral quota. I didn't browse the white papers. I understood it was an oracle. In those days, I didn't even understand what an oracle has been. I believed it was much like producing predictions, such as climate forecasts and earthquakes. Application things such as warnings. However in the bull marketplace of Brainless Stud, no matter that much, very first participated in 5w US bucks, and private collateral financing has been about 3,200w US dollars in total (funding was super easy at...
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